What are the Reasons to not to book your Flight & Hotel in advance before visa is approved?


There are five Reasons to not book your flight & hotel in advance before visa is approved

Loss of money if visa is rejected

There is no guarantee that your visa will be guaranteed and your visa can either be rejected or can be altogether voided due to the pandemic. It is not wise to make such a big commitment without guarantees that your visa will be approved. In case of an emergency you can always book a return flight and get back to your home country so it is not wise to commit for a hotel booking for your entire duration of stay just to show a Proof Of Accommodation certificate.

No Flexibility to change your travel plan

If you were to book all the hotels for your travel at a time, then you will not have the flexibility to travel as you wish. What if you want to spend one more day in Berlin? Nope you cannot since you have already booked a room in Amsterdam & So on. From a traveller’s perspective, it makes a lot of sense to book your first 3 days of your travel and book the rest as you go along.

Reduces your bank balance proof

When travelling to Europe, you need to show that you have atleast EUR 80 (preferably EUR100) per day of stay. If you book all your Flight & Hotel in advance, you will be not be able to show this amount and your visa will be rejected. Therefore, it is wise to make your actual bookings only after your visa is approved.

Go where your heart takes you

This is related to the second point, but you cannot plan on a whim when you make all your bookings before your travel. What if you want to extend your trip by 5 days? You cannot since Schengen visa is issued only for the days you mention in the cover letter.

Visa is granted only for the number of days you mention in your travel plan

A common misconception is that Schengen visa is issued for 90 days, which is not true. Your visa will have an expiry date and the total number of days you are allowed to stay mentioned in your itinerary. It is hence wise to add a buffer of 5 days on either side of your travel to give you flexibility when you are making your travel plan. Our hotel bookings will help you achieve the same.

To make a Flight Reservation and Hotel Booking without paying the price you could use the services of Schengen Visa Itinerary. We also offer affordable Travel Insurance to complete your visa requirements.


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