Travel insurance For Schengen visa, Visa Information about application requirements


 Schengen visas are usually given for short periods of time. Usually, it is issued for a 3-month period once in six months. For a longer period of time, so called national-visas are required.

Schengen visas are issued for visit or business purpose. National visas are granted for study or work purpose.

The Schengen visa allows traveling (with the help of Flight Itinerary) on the territory of the Schengen states (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic and Hungary).

Schengen visa cannot be extended or re-written for any other purpose. Only in very exceptional circumstances when an extension is possible, for example, when a medical treatment is urgently needed.

People who come to study or research in Germany are advised to not only get a Schengen visa, because with the visa, residence permit may be required or not fundamentally rewritten. After the visa expiry, the foreign visitors must immediately leave the country.

To be considered for a Schengen visa, it is a must to secure a place to stay during the timeframe of your visa.

Applications for a visa can also be found on most German embassy sites.

Under Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code), following documents are required.

        An application form,

        A valid travel document,

        A photography,

        Documentary Evidence of sponsorship and a place to stay is required,

        Evidence of travel medical insurance possession.

After the application has been accepted, it will take 15 working days after the submission to get the answer. In exceptional cases, it may take longer. Visa can be issued, refused or issued for limited territory validity. In cases of representation of another Schengen Member State, the applicant is required to not continue the application on the relevant authorities of the represented Schengen member states.

A Schengen visa is refused if the applicant:

        Submitting a false travel document;

        The purpose and the conditions of the intended stay was not justified;

        Do not provide evidence that has sufficient resources to pay for living and return to their own countries.

        Has exhausted the timeframe of three months during the current six-month period already;

        SIS (Refusing entry Schengen Information) has been issued;

        It is considered as a threat to public policy, internal security or public health on any Schengen State;

        Do not prove that has and adequate travel insurance, if it is required;

        Do not submit enough evidence or make statements that put the credibility and authenticity in doubt;

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