Schengen Area – Crafting a Travel Itinerary for Schengen Visa

Schengen Area

Ever since the European Community was created in the late 1950s, the EU countries have been making constant attempts to abolish barriers between each other for the movement of goods and traveling. The Schengen Agreement and the creation of the Schengen Area is the result of these continuous attempts.

In this article, you can find more about the Schengen Zone in Europe, how it functions, the participating countries, the management of internal and external borders and more. In addition, you can also find a short brief on the Schengen Visa and how is traveling arranged within this zone.


Crafting a Travel Itinerary Within the 90 Days

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If there is one thing I do not like to do when going on a long-term trip, it is making reservations more than a week in advance.  The freedom of being able to travel for months on end is something that allows us to be completely flexible with our Travel itinerary, extending or decreasing stays in a given city at our discretion.

When going on our next 14-18-month trip, we were overjoyed with the fact that we would not have to plan very much in advance and could roam on our idealized itinerary.   Then we added Europe into the mix.  In the summer.  After counting the number of days, we were hoping to spend on the continent, we realized that we were getting dangerously close to the 90-day visa limit for the Schengen Area while also having to combat the hordes of travellers during peak season.  Just like that our hopes for a reservation (like Flight Itinerary and Hotel Reservation) free long-term trip came crashing down.   To lock in the good deals in peak season, and to force us to fit within the 90-day Schengen visa limit, our bookings began and thousands of dollars were spent.

The logic of booking in advance during peak season is obvious. But the need to craft our itinerary to fit within the limits of a free Schengen visa may not be as apparent.



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