What Are the Coverages of a Schengen Travel Insurance?



Schengen travel insurance provides a wholesome coverage. According to the terms and conditions of the policy, you may be covered for the following situations under Schengen travel insurance in India:


In case the policyholder contracts an illness while on a trip to any of the Schengen countries, the cost of treatment may be borne by the travel insurance company.

        Interruptions in the trip

There could be an unanticipated unrest or bad weather conditions due to which the trip gets interrupted. The cost of such interruptions that are beyond the control of the policyholder might be borne by the insurance company.

        Loss or delay of baggage

Your baggage could get delayed or stolen while on the trip. Due to which you would have to buy the required things, your travel insurance company may reimburse you for such expenses. As per the terms and conditions of your insurer, you may be reimbursed for parts of the luggage you lost.

        Missed connections

If you have a connecting flight to reach your destination and miss it due to a situation beyond your control, for example, flight delay, your insurer will help you get another flight in order to reach your destination.

        Repatriation of remains

If a person suffers death while on the trip, the insurance company may bear the cost of transporting the remains to his/her homeland.

        Emergency Evacuation

In case of an emergency situation like an attack or an outbreak of a disease you may need to leave the country on an immediate basis. In such a situation, your insurer may bear the cost of this evacuation.

        Accidental death or injury

In case you get injured in an accident or if the accident leads to death, you/ your family may be given a compensation.


If an accident leads to partial or permanent disability, your travel insurance company may bear the cost of treatment and may pay you a compensation.

        Travel delays due to weather

Your travel insurance company may help you with the bookings if your trip gets delayed due to bad weather conditions.

What Is Not Covered Under Schengen Travel Insurance?

Here is a list of situations that may not be covered under the policy:

        Pre-existing diseases

        Self-inflicted injuries

        Mental disorder

        Injuries due to using an intoxicating substance

        Pregnancy or related complications

        Mental or psychiatric disorders

        Traveling for the purpose of availing a medical treatment.

        Carelessness (towards self or belongings)

        War or nuclear threat

        Expenses incurred when the insurance policy is not active

        Cost of spectacles, hearing aids, contact lens, and other external appliances

        Cosmetic surgery unless required as a result of an accident

        Loss or damage of passport as a result of the confiscation or detention by the police or any other legal authority

The Bottom Line

Buying a travel insurance for your trip to a Schengen country is mandatory. Understand the coverage well, this will help you during your trip. Also, make it a point to read through the fine print of your policy document.


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